1. 销售英语搞笑段子?
  2. 中式英语搞笑段子?


Sale***an: "Hi, sir. Do you like cookies?"

Customer: "Yes, but I prefer ***les."


Sale***an: "Great! We h***e a new product that combines the best of both worlds: Cookies that taste like ***les!"

Customer: "Sounds amazing! How much do they cost?"

Sale***an: "They're only $7 each."


Customer: "That's too expensive! I can buy ***les for $1 each."

Sale***an: "But these cookies are much more convenient. You can eat them on the go, without h***ing to peel or core them."

Customer: "Hmm, that does make sense. But still, $7 is too much."


Sale***an: "Well, at least give me a try. If you don't like them, you can return them for a full refund."


- Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!(为什么番茄变红了?因为它看到了沙拉酱!)

- I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.(我告诉我的妻子她的眉毛画得太高了。她看起来很惊讶。)

- Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!(为什么科学家不信任原子?因为它们构成了一切!)

- What do you call fake spaghetti? An impasta.(什么叫***意大利面?***意面条。)

- I used to play *** with my grandfather. He was very good at it. Now he's in the cemetery.(我曾经和我的祖父一起足球,他非常擅长。现在他在墓地里。)

01. 有他这颗扫帚星,什么事情都办不成。

  [误] With a comet like him, nothing can be accomplished。

  [正] With a jinx like him, nothing can be accomplished。注:“扫帚星”是中国人对“慧星”(comet)的俗称,因其后面象拖着的一条像扫帚一样的长尾巴而得名。在中国古代,“扫帚星”被认为是灾难的预兆,并被用来比喻不吉利的人或事
